Transcription Slide 1: Hello! I’m Dan Lyles with Lyles insurance. In this video, we’re going to go over why insuring your classic car with classic car insurance beats regular auto insurance. Slide 2: If you own a classic, antique, vintage or exotic car, you are far better off insuring your vehicle with a classic car insurance policy than you are with a regular auto insurance policy. And that’s what this video is going to go over, is the advantages a classic car insurance policy has over regular car insurance. Slide 3: So let’s go over those advantages. Starting with #1: Better Claims handling. Claims adjusters for classic car insurance companies specialize in just classic cars. And therefore they have much more expertise in knowing how to repair them. They only use original stock parts in repairs, and you have more flexibility in choosing body shops. #2: Lower price versus regular auto insurance policies. And the reason is, they understand that you only drive classic cars on an occasional basis. You don’t use them every day like driving to work, or running errands like you do a regular every day use vehicle. And therefore, you get much lower premium. Slide 4: #3: Classic car insurance policies insure vehicles on an agreed value basis, not an actual cash value basis like regular auto insurance does. This is important because if you ever total your vehicle, you will know the exact amount that will be paid with agreed value coverage. Actual cash value coverage only pays for current market value, which is usually much less. #4: Zero deductible option. All classic car insurance companies will offer you a zero deductible for Comprehensive and Collision coverage. The good thing about it is, they offer those coverages at a very low rate. Regular auto insurance policies rarely ever offer zero deductibles. And if they do, they charge a lot higher premium for it. Slide 5: #5: Having only one liability charge. Now this only applies to those of you who own multiple classic or antique cars. But if it does apply, you only get charged one liability charge for the whole policy that covers all the vehicles on the policy. That’s a lot different than what you get with regular car insurance, where you get a liability charge for every vehicle you insure. So that saves you a lot of money if you own multiple classic cars. And #6: You get special coverage options specific for classic vehicles that you won’t see on a regular auto insurance policy. Slide 6: This is just a simple table that compares classic car insurance versus regular car insurance. I’m not going to go through it because we’ve already covered these. But once you look at them side-by-side, and see what is offered, there really is no comparison. Because classic car insurance is both better coverage and at a lower price. Slide 7: To see if your vehicle qualifies as a classic car, under classic car insurance, it’s pretty easy. There are only three things: Number one, your vehicle must be at least 25 years old (unless it’s an exotic vehicle). Number two, and this one is important, it can’t be a regular use vehicle. Meaning, you can’t use this classic car to drive to work every day. In fact, in order to qualify, they’re going to want you to show proof that you have regular auto insurance on your every day vehicles. That way, they know you’re not driving these classic cars on a daily basis. And number three, you can’t have any serious violations on your driving record. A couple dings doesn’t matter. But if you have anything like a DUI or a reckless operation, they’re not going to allow you to take out classic car insurance. But other than that, those are the only main qualifications to a classic car insurance policy. Slide 8: For those of you who live in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia or West Virginia, and you would like for me to personally run you a classic car insurance quote, I’ve listed a quote page on my website that you can click on and fill out. Or if you would rather get a quote by phone, I’ve also listed my phone number, and I’ll also have those posted on my site as well. Thank you for watching, and have a great day!
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Dan Lyles is an Independent Insurance Agent serving Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.. Archives
March 2021