Transcription Slide 1: Hello! I'm Dan Lyles with Lyles Insurance. In this video, we're going to go over six common ways you can screw up your auto insurance rate. Slide 2: I see many drivers making the same mistakes over and over that hurts their insurance rate. Sometimes, they don't even realize it. So this video is going to make you aware of those common errors, and can save you a lot of money over time. Slide 3: Number one: Letting your auto insurance coverage lapse. This is very big. I see so many drivers do this. You need to carry continuous liability coverage at all times, and at least have six months of active coverage in order to earn a prior coverage discount. So don't allow any gaps in coverage. They really cost you a lot of money. Slide 4: Number two: Always paying late on your premiums. Many drivers have a habit of paying their premium just a little bit late after the due date. They know they have a cancellation date. They'll make their payment before it cancels, but yet once you go past that due date, you might get hit with late fees. And also, when your policy renews, auto insurance companies will reevaluate you every expiration/ renewal period. Anybody who pays their premium on time always has a better chance of being offered a lower rate than someone who has a habit of paying late. So keep that in mind and try to always pay on time. Slide 5: Number three: Picking the wrong payment plan. With most auto insurance companies, you basically have three general options: number one is to pay the whole policy in full, which saves you the most money. But I know for some of you that's an awful big chunk to come up with at once. So if that's not possible, your next best option is to have your payments come out automatically every month. You can do that through a checking account (and some auto insurance companies will allow you to also take it out of a credit or debit card every month as well). But what most people do is just pay month-to-month as they go. And doing so is going to end up costing you more money than the other two options. Companies charge installment fees (some call them finance fees, same thing). But they add up quickly. And so if you can pay for your policy in full or have it come out automatically, it's going to save you some money. Slide 6: Number four: Filing claims involving very minor damage. I'm not talking about a substantial claim (that's what your auto insurance is for, go ahead and use it). I'm talking about claims that involve very low dollar amounts. Give you a perfect example: I had a customer couple years ago slide on some ice, hit his neighbor's mailbox and fence. Only did about $200 worth of damage. The neighbor said “give me $200 and we'll forget about it”…. He should have jumped on that. But instead, he chose to let the auto insurance company pay the property damage liability claim of $200. And as a result, he now has an at fault accident on his driving record. And that's going to cost him more in the long run than $200 would ever cost. So always keep that in mind. And if you're unsure of what to do, make sure you call your agent first and get some advice before you contact the company directly. Slide 7: Number five: Not shopping around for a lower rate. Financial advisers recommend that you should shop around at least every two years for a cheaper auto insurance policy. But very few drivers follow that advice. And as an illustration, let's just say you bought insurance three years ago, and Company A was cheaper than Company B, C and D. So you went with Company A. Well, that doesn't necessarily mean that A is going to be cheaper than companies B, C and D down the road. Things change very quickly in the auto insurance industry. So always make sure you shop around on occasion. Slide 8: Number six: Not checking on possible discount opportunities. No matter which company you have your auto insurance with, chances are you're not getting every discount that you could be getting. And I'll say this all the time and nobody will listen. But just a simple call to your agent, you'd be amazed how much money you might be able to save. I would guess that nearly half of all drivers aren't getting all the discounts they should be getting. Slide 9: So I hope you've learned something from this video that maybe might change your habits and save you some money on your auto insurance rate. For those of you who live in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia or West Virginia: if you'd like to get a quote, I'll be happy to run a quote for you personally. I provided a link to my website where you can get a quote. I will also put that link under the video, so it will make it easy for you to click on. Or, if you'd like to just get a quote by phone, give me a call. I posted my phone number. Thank you for watching and have a great day! Related Blog Articles: Video: Car Insurance with a Speeding Ticket: Shopping around is a must! Video: Uninsured Motorist Coverage Explained Video: Why you shouldn't buy auto insurance directly from a company Why is there a cancellation notice on my auto insurance bill? Should I choose a six or twelve month auto insurance policy?
Transcription Slide 1: Hello! I'm Dan Lyles with Lyles Insurance. In this video, I'm going to talk about my experience with the Progressive Snapshot discount program, and how I was able to save 11% on my auto insurance policy. Slide 2: For many drivers, Snapshot is a great way to save money on your auto insurance policy. However, I've noticed that a lot of drivers are hesitant to try it for whatever reason. So, I decided to be the guinea pig myself, and I just finished my six-month evaluation, and I want to tell you a little more about that. Just so you know I already had a Progressive auto insurance policy before I started the snapshot. However, this is available to both existing and new Progressive customers. Slide 3: It's very simple to know whether or not you're a good candidate for the Snapshot discount. All you need to know is the four things that Progressive uses to evaluate your driving habits. And what they like is low mileage. They like to see you drive your vehicle less than an average of 30 miles a day, or 210 miles per week. Also, what they don't like. They don't like you stomping on the brakes, stomping on the gas, or driving between the hours of midnight and 4:00 a.m. If you can keep your mileage low and refrain from doing those things, you're going to be an ideal candidate for the snapshot discount. Slide 4: So from the previous screen, you probably have a good idea whether or not you're a good candidate. To get started with the Snapshot program: If you're a current Progressive customer, all you need to do is give your agent a call. It only takes a few minutes to sign up. And after about six months, any discount you earn will be applied at your next renewal period. Now, for new customers it gets even better. You get a quote with Progressive and buy a policy. They will apply an initial discount just for trying the Snapshot. So for both existing and new customers it's very easy to sign up. Slide 5: There are two ways to install Snapshot. The most common way is to just install the device. Once you sign up, Progessive will mail you the device within a few days. You simply plug it into your diagnostic port and drive for six months. That's it! They will also pay to have it mailed back to them at the end of the evaluation period. And this isn't available yet except in a few states, but some of you have the option of installing a phone app instead, to where you just take your cell phone with you whenever you drive. Slide 6: As you can see here, the device is very small. Plugs right into your diagnostic port, which for most vehicles is located somewhere under your steering column. Slide 7: So here were my results at the end of the evaluation period. You'll see I did pretty well on most of them. High risk driving time (that's driving between midnight and 4:00 a.m.): Other than a couple late night fast food runs, I never drove between midnight and 4. So I did good there, only averaged a little over a minute per week. Miles driven: This is where I scored really high because I averaged less than 50 miles a week. Now full disclosure here: I do work at home and I live in a small town. So not having to commute to work and not having far to go really helps in that regard. Now hard breaking: I did get flagged with that quite a bit. I could have done better. Averaged a little more than once a week there. But I didn't get caught slamming on the gas pedal any. So I did very good there. Slide 8: So as far as savings, my premium dropped from 209 dollars down to 186 dollars, which saves 11%. 11% is a significant discount. Now, I drove a fifteen-year-old Chrysler vehicle and I only carry liability coverage on it. For those of you who have comprehensive and collision coverage on your vehicle, you probably have the opportunity of saving a lot more. Slide 9: OK. So, if you're ready to try Progressive snapshot out for yourself: As I mentioned before, if you're already a Progressive customer, just give your agent a call. It's real easy for new customers: If you live in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia or West Virginia, and would like a quote with Progressive, I'll be happy to help you with that. I provided a link on my website to get a quote. Or, I've also provided my phone number if you want to just get a quote by phone. Thank you for watching and have a great day! Transcription Slide 1: Hello! I'm Dan Lyles with Lyles Insurance. In this video, we're going to go over the coverages and features of Progressive Golf Cart Insurance. Slide 2: Progressive is great to have for golf cart policies for two major reasons. Number one is their low rates. And they offer many discounts to make the rate even lower. And they offer special coverages that most golf cart insurance companies will not offer. And we're going to get into those. Slide 3: The most common mistake people make when they buy insurance for golf carts is that they’ll insure their golf cart as an attached policy onto their homeowners insurance. And while this is simple and convenient to do, you'll find that many of these policies have unreasonable policy restrictions. And they don't always offer the basic coverages, let alone the secondary optional coverages. And so with a stand-alone golf cart insurance policy, nine times out of ten you're getting better coverage and offered more types of coverage. And the best part about it is, an attached and a stand-alone policy are both about the same price. Because just about all golf cart insurance policies are inexpensive. So it only makes sense to buy a better coverage for the same price. Slide 4: A good golf cart insurance policy at least should offer all five of the basic coverages. These are the same basic coverages you will see on an auto insurance policy. But the same applies to a golf cart insurance policy as well. If you don't see all five of these offered on your policy, that's a red flag! Make sure you see liability coverage, uninsured motorist coverage, medical payments coverage, comprehensive coverage and collision coverage. Any golf cart insurance policy worth its salt will have all five of those coverages. But like I said before, with Progressive, it's the secondary optional coverages they offer that set them apart from other golf cart insurance policies. And I'm going to get into a few of the major ones on the next slide. Slide 5: There are four main specialty coverages that Progressive offers that's worth taking a look at. Number one is accessory coverage. If you have comprehensive and collision coverage, you automatically have three thousand dollars of free coverage with accessories (that’s anything that you attach permanently onto your golf cart). And if you need to buy more coverage, you can. Carried contents coverage. That insures your personal property (for example, a set of golf clubs). You're going to find very few companies that offer this for a golf cart insurance policy. Trailer coverage. Many people haul their golf carts with a trailer on occasion. And you're going to find that the trailer coverage is very inexpensive as well. And finally roadside assistance. Now many of you probably just think of auto insurance when it comes to roadside assistance. But what if you break down far away from your home, or the country club on a golf cart? It's great coverage to have and very inexpensive. Slide 6: As I mentioned earlier, although golf cart insurance premiums are pretty inexpensive, Progressive can make them even lower by earning discounts. And they offer a lot of them. I don't have them all listed here, but I want to go over the six major money savers. For example, you earn a discount if you own your home. You earn a discount if you already have golf cart insurance. You earn a discount if you pay for the entire policy in full for a year. If you have more than one golf cart, you can insure both of them onto the same policy and earn a multi-vehicle discount. For those of you who already have an active progressive policy, with the golf cart insurance policy, you qualify and will earn a multi-policy discount. And finally, if you know exactly when your coverage ends, and you're wanting to start a policy on a specific day but get a quote from a few days earlier, you can also earn an advanced quote discount. Slide 7: For those of you who live in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia or West Virginia, if you'd like to get a golf cart insurance quote with Progressive, I'll be happy to help you with that. You can contact me in a couple different ways. You can visit my quote page on golf cart insurance and fill out a quote form. And I'll run your quote as soon as I get it. Or if you'd rather just give me a call, I'll be happy to run your quote by phone. Thank you for watching and have a great day! Call me for a quote Ohio BMV Links: Apply Online Here Download an Application Get an SR22 Auto Insurance Quote with Lyles Insurance: Click Here if You Own a Vehicle Click Here if You Do NOT Own a Vehicle Call me for a quote Transcription: Slide 1: Hello! I'm Dan Lyles with Lyles Insurance. And in this video, we're going to cover Ohio BMV Reinstatement Fee Amnesty Program. This is a new bill passed by Ohio law just several weeks ago. And if you look at the BMV website, the language they use is very confusing. This video is going to eliminate the lawyer talk, and simplify things to where you can understand it. Let's get started. Slide 2: This amnesty program is for anyone who has their Ohio driver's license suspended, and have been able to get their license back, but they haven't done so because they can't afford the license reinstatement fees. Slide 3: This program separates drivers into two categories: Those who can have their reinstatement fees completely waived, and those who can have their reinstatement fees reduced. For those of you who participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, your fees will be waived completely. All others will receive a reduction in fees once you went 18 months past your suspension period. Slide 4: If I covered all the suspensions that qualify for this program we'd have a 30 minute video. And I'm trying to keep it short and simple. It's much easier just to go over who does not qualify. And that's anyone that has a license suspension that has anything to do with alcohol, drugs or weapons. But just about any other type of suspension qualifies. Also, be sure to note there's a July 31st of this year deadline to apply. If you apply after that, you will be denied. And this does not apply to anyone with a suspended commercial driver's license either. This only applies for regular driver's licenses or permits. And also, understand that you also have to jump through whatever reinstatement hoops besides the reinstatement fees, in order to get your license back. Slide 5: For those of you who would like to apply for this program: If you're just applying for the reduction only, you can complete this form online, in person at a license agency or by mail. For those of you applying for the complete waiver, you have to mail it in, and it must include documentation of your current case status with the Department of jobs and Family Services. Slide 6: I've posted two links for you here. The top link is if you want to apply online, and the second link is if you want to download and print out an application form. If you'd like to have an application form mailed to you, I've also posted the phone number and the mailing address to mail this application out. Slide 7: One last thing: Many of you will be required to carry an SR22 filing attached on to your auto insurance policy. I'll be very happy to help you with that. I've posted two links on my website that you can get a quote on: The top link is for those of you who own a vehicle. The bottom link is for those of you who do not own a vehicle. And if you'd like to just get a quote by phone, give me a call. I posted my number there at the bottom. I hope this video has given you a better understanding of how the amnesty program works. Thank you for watching, and have a great day! Related Blog Articles: Video: Can I buy SR22 auto insurance with a suspended license? Video: When does my Ohio SR22 Auto Insurance requirement end? |
Dan Lyles is an Independent Insurance Agent serving Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.. Archives
March 2021