Auto insurance companies have become very selective as to which drivers they prefer to insure and which drivers they would rather not insure. These drivers are often referred to as "high risk" drivers. If you have some dings on your driving record, you might become frustrated trying to find affordable auto insurance. Fear not! It might be challenging, but while some companies may shun high risk drivers, other companies welcome them. Finding a good rate is simply a matter of quoting with the right companies. What do insurance companies consider a "high risk" driver? That answer varies from company to company. Some companies are more risk tolerant than others. But generally, these are some of the things that will land you on a high risk radar:
The best way is to get quotes from independent agents that have multiple companies to quote you with. The more companies the agent has, the better your chances at getting the best rate. Agents who only sell for one company (known as "captive agents") can only offer you one quote, and most of those companies shy away from the high risk market anyways. If you live in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Virginia or West Virginia, you can get an auto insurance quote with my agency. Depending on which state and what your needs are, I have 6 companies that go soft on drivers with bad records: Progressive, GMAC, Kemper Specialty, Dairyland, Omni and PSI. Get an Auto Insurance Quote with Lyles Insurance Call me for a Quote Related Blog Articles: Out of State SR22 Auto Insurance Filing: Living in one state and needing an SR22 filing in another
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Dan Lyles is an Independent Insurance Agent serving Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.. Archives
March 2021