Regardless of whether or not you are required by your landlord to carry renters insurance, it is always a good policy to have. Renters insurance provides you with very valuable coverage at an affordable price. If you are new to renters insurance, this article is intended to help you understand the basics of what you need to know as far as coverage is concerned. You will learn the basics of coverage plus you will also learn about additional optional coverage that you may be very interested in. But first let's start with the basics the main features of a renters insurance policy include: Basic Coverages
Additional and optional coverages
There are several additional coverages offered that go beyond what a general renters insurance policy covers. Some of you may be very interested in selecting these additional coverages. They include:
Summary: Renters insurance offers valuable coverage for an affordable price. Yet less than half of renters take advantage of the coverage. Ask yourself, what would you do if a disaster suddenly displaced you from your apartment? If you haven’t considered renters insurance before, you should at least consider it. Get an Ohio Renters Insurance Quote with Lyles Insurance Call me for a Quote Related Blog Articles: Why Ohio Renters Insurance is a must have
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Dan Lyles is an Independent Insurance Agent serving Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.. Archives
March 2021